Scan week prayers

Hi Village. The time has come again for scans and disease evaluations up at a Duke Children’s. As we start to face this week, which is always indescribably difficult internally for Brian and I, and although sadly part of Charlotte’s norm, disrupting and at times upsetting for Charlotte, we can celebrate several things in the midst of the anxiety that this week produces.

This weekend was a special one for 2 reasons😊Charlotte has her first dance recital and truly enjoyed performing after all her hard working learning her 3 dances. She was self-assured, confident, courageous, and absolutely chock full of cuteness! She was up on a big stage in front of at least 300 people! She was so proud and had a lot of fun. When I get the video from her dance school, I will defiantly share it! The entire recital was moving and watching her up there getting to be part of it all, shining her little light, was so special. What a blessing that moment was!

In addition, leading up to Charlotte’s scan week, Taylor and I got to have a special afternoon doing something that was her own idea and something we have been working towards for the better part of a year! We have been growing our hair out to donate to Children With Hair Loss, a special organization that provides wigs free of charge to children with various health conditions that cause a lack of hair. We chopped off our locks to donate and are now short, sassy, and summer ready😄. We love the thought of helping a child with a medical need empower themselves and help regain any lost self confidence and self esteem. It may seem little, but Taylor and I felted honored to be able to do this special thing and think we will grow it out to do it again!

Speaking of self confidence, check our Charlotte’s expressions in the dance pictures below! She is so full of confidence, life, spirit, and joy. It is hard to imagine there would be any disease lingering, able to steal anything else from her. But that is not her reality. That is not the hand she has been dealt. And so Monday she will begin to drink special drops like we do every scan week to help protect her little body organs (specifically her thyroid) from the high levels of radioactivity she will be exposed to. Tuesday she will be poked for access so that a radioactive tracer can be injected that day to cycle around her body and be absorbed by any Neuroblastoma cells. Wednesday she will under go sedation for 2 scans (we cut out the MRI this round yay so just CT and MIBG). She will also be evaluated for hearing loss again. And Thursday we go in for work ups at clinic and review Wednesday’s scam results. We are so appreciative of every single prayer. Thank you for adding Charlotte and our family to your hearts and prayers this week. And thank you God for all the moments we have been given, and the ones yet to come❤️🌈


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