OH god thank you! We have good news! Charlotte’s BONE MARROW BIOPSY CAME BACK CLEAR! This is best case scenario for her! We can truly say this is a small focal relapse with no bone marrow involvement detected. Treatment will continue as planned (I will write more about this plan soon but it will involve chemo, localized radiation, and a new immunotherapy, with the hopes of getting back clear and onto maintenance therapy again). We celebrated at her request with a walk over to the hospital food court for Chic Fil A nuggets and pickles and milkshake😍I have felt my first deep breath since this nightmare began again. And look at her playing with child life today (video below). She is tolerating this ICE chemo tremendously so far. Some nausea coming and going but look at her keep moving, keep going❤️🌈We are feeling your love and prayers wash over us. Thank you God. #charlottestrong #charlotterules

Link to the short video clip❤️


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