Prayer for a special friend to Charlotte

There is a very special person and daily friend in Charlotte’s life who could use our prayers today and in the next days to come. Suddenly, her and her family’s world has come to a hault as they processs a familiar feeling that Brian and I know all to well, the feelings that come from a doctor telling you they’ve found a tumor. Just a couple of days ago they found a brain tumor after she went to the doctor experiencing some concerning symptoms. Today, the doctors will perform surgery to remove this tumor. There is hope that this tumor is benign and that a full recovery, although long and maybe difficult at times, is very possible. They will know more once a biopsy and test results return. In the meantime this family is seeking  prayers as they hold onto this hope. This friend of Charlotte’s means so much to her and to our family, can you please join us in prayer, lifting them up as they face the unknown and with the hopes that TODAY is DAY ONE of  complete healing? We know we have asked for so many prayers but the power that lies in them is unmeasurable.

In addition, something remarkable is happening all the while. This friend, facing the unknown and brain surgery to remove this tumor, messaged me last evening letting me and Brian know that our own Charlotte, unbeknownst to her little 5 year old self, has been a source of strength and hope for her and her family at this time. Imagine the honor of being able to help another person through a dark time, being a light to help guide, a reminder of grace and hope and possibilities. She is only 5, sitting here playing legos with bed head, humming a happy tune and talking about how she wants to practice cartwheels today. This little girl is using her story and her journey to inspire hope and strength. It is incredible and such an honor to not only witness but help foster this extension of God’s work. We believe Charlotte’s special friend will draw her strength from the same source we did, God is with her and working silently in us all.

Thank you for caring for this very special person in Charlotte’s life and in our own village she has generated over all this time. Out of respect for their privacy at this time I didn’t want to divulge too much information but I will share more when I know it is ok. In the mean time, our Charlotte knows this friend is sick and that she won’t get to see her for a little while until the doctors help her to get better. Charlotte wants to help make some get well cards and a basket of goodies to bring a smile and comfort during the days of needed rest and recovery just like she herself has been gifted by so many of you in her time of need. What an honor to play such a special role in someone else’s journey and to watch on as Charlotte shines such a strong light in this world.


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