We will take it! Blessing and success come in many forms❤️

After a long day, we are home with good news but also new information we will pray on. First of all, Charlotte’s scan results are overall GOOD with no evidence of Neuroblastoma! We feel so blessed and will celebrate that! Her CT did have a new finding of an area to watch on her lower sacrum (spine/tailbone) in which at this time can neither be called a tumor nor ruled out. This spot in her bone could be damage from radiation, sclerosis, etc and may not be disease at all. Our doctors at Duke are not concerned at this time and this area will be looked at further in March when she has her next scheduled scans. We will pray that once Sloan Kettering reviews all of these scans, they feel the same way and do not feel the need to investigate this spot via biopsy. In addition, Charlotte has moderate to severe high frequency hearing loss which is not a surprise to us as we understand this to be a common side effect from all the chemotherapy. We have decided to reassess with Duke Audiology at her next clinic check up in March and see what level of support she will need but it appears a hearing aide is in our girls future. We know her little body has been through so much as it has and still is fighting this disease so the changes we will witness through scans and evaluations over the years will reflect all of that at times. So our prayers will be that the questionable spot in her bone in her spine is a reflection of something else and not metastatic disease and that Sloan will agree with Duke. Thank you for continuing to pray for our baby girl! We are in such a scary window of watching her but we feel so hopeful and blessed every single day.

I have included a picture below (ugh won’t post so I’ll try again later) of a little rainbow that appeared when I went to select my gear as we headed to Duke this morning! When I feel my heart beating outside of my chest in anxiety and the sick feeling in my stomach from worry, God often appears in those moments and unexplainable calming peace arrive. I can not explain it any other way as the moments often surpass the logic around us. So, we will keep following the rainbows as we continue this journey of complete healing for our Charlotte. And this year will be the Merriest Christmas of our lives so far. God bless you all and thank you for taking your time to care for our family
Dashboard rainbow on our way to scans 

Saying hello to some of our nurses in 5100 and 5200! Kristin was even wearing her Charlottestong T-shirt!

Our fishes are still swimming! 

You’ve got this baby girl 

Restful day coloring her treasure box prize after her scans Wednesday 


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