Riley Rose Update

For those of you who have embraced and prayed for Riley Rose and her family, whom we've come to care so much about, they have gotten the best news possible. Although they unexpectedly found active Neuroblastoma in her brain during surgery due to a sudden brain bleed, all other scans and tests performed have been negative!!! This means perhaps she has a single site that has progressed instead of a large metastasis. For the family, this is best case scenario and a huge relief. They will stop current treatment, get her strong, and formulate a plan to attack at a new angle. Your prayers continue to shine a light for us in so many ways ❤️🌈

Your girl Charlotte is playing and full of energy. She's blossoming in front of our eyes, transforming from a toddler to a little girl. She's full of spirit, affection, curiosity, imagination, and honestly for the first time in a year and a half I would use the word content. Even while battling some of the mood swings that surprise even her as she can't understand them while on this Retinoic Acid medication, she is CONTENT. It is a beautiful thing to see her experience the precious and innocent thing we call childhood again. I'll update more soon and include some pictures but for now I just wanted you all to know Riley Rose's news as you all have lifted her up in prayer, and also let you know how much Riley Rose and her family and our family feel your presence in our lives through your prayers and loving words.


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