Walking by faith, not by sight

Charlotte, Parker, and Taylor are playing at my feet. They are in a pretend world with our kitchen utensils as they fix the car, otherwise known as our kitchen table. They are quite the team. I want this moment to last forever. Charlotte full of spunk and spirit, happy, playing, not a care in her world. But we can't stay here can we. Brian and I didn't want to put her to bed. But he said it best tonight, in order for her to have more of these nights, tomorrow needs to happen. Tomorrow is the day we have prayed to get to. We hoped and prayed to get her to this point where surgery is possible to remove this massive abdominal tumor. And we are here. She did it. And we are choosing to celebrate that fact going into tomorrow instead of focus on our fears and worries. This week has been incredibly emotional for Brian and I. After the surgical consult Monday, we tried to block out the world the best we could and enjoy some family time to gear up for this next milestone. Initially, the surgical consult left us terrified of all the details and risks we had to discuss, waivers to sign and etc before the surgery. We cried and I started feeling a slip away from all of hopeful positivity as I let the fear wash over me. But tomorrow isn't a choice. She has done so much and we are so proud of getting here. We are in a good place for this to be successful. And I have decided to hold on to something Brian said to me when I was at my lowest point grasping to find the light this week. He said, "She will come through this surgery better then before she went in." This can happen. This tumor that has been taking away our little girl, our family, our world...it can be cut out and gone tomorrow. Only possibly leaving behind small groups of cancer cells that can be destroyed by the rest of this treatment. Tomorrow is a new day. We feel you praying with us. We feel your love and strength. And we feel God with us, his arms wrapped around our baby girl. He will bring her through. We will update when we can but she will be in surgery for most of the day tomorrow starting early (we arrive 7:15 and she should be in OR by 8:30ish). Thank you for lifting her up in prayer tomorrow and sending all your positivity our way for a successful day so she can keep going, keep moving.

Brian found this on tomorrow's date July 14 in his daily devotions book
"keep walking with me along the path I have chosen for you. Your desire to live close to Me is a delight to my heart. I could instantly grant you the spiritual riches you desire, but that is not My way for you. Together we will forge a pathway up the high mountain. The journey is arduous at times, and you are weak. Someday you will dance light-footed on the high peaks; but for now your walk is often plodding and heavy. All I require of you is to take the next step, clinging to My hand for strength and direction. Though the path is difficult and scenery dull at the moment, there are sparkling surprises jus around the corner. Stay on the path I have selected for you. It is truly the path of life."
Psalm 37:23-24; Psalm 16:11 NKJV

Thank you God for this wink. And all the others we have recognized this week.


  1. God bless and look over Charlotte and you all tomorrow. We are all with your entire family.

  2. Keep Going Keep Moving
    Charlotte Strong
    Praying for Her
    . Praying HE guides the surgeons hands
    Praying for complete removal
    Praying for total healing
    Prayers of thanks for the Love, the Courage and the Strength that you and Brian have shown
    Praying for Charlotte

  3. Not a single day goes by that we don't pray for Charlotte and think of you all. I had this day marked on my calendar and I honestly with all of my heart believe this will be Charlotte's fresh start to a new and healthy life. I know the road ahead is still long, but this is certainly a day to be celebrated! We are praying along with you for complete removal. I talked with my Mom last night and she wanted me to send along the message that she will be at mass all morning today praying with many for Charlotte, you all and her amazing team. We love you and will look forward to your update later today. You are all AMAZING. Walk by faith, not by sight is my favorite church hymn. God bless you all and hold you in the palm of his hands.

  4. Praying for Charlotte, the Dr's and nurses to have slow skilled hands during the procedure and for comfort for Mom and Dad. Thinking of you all today, sending prayers and hugs your way.

  5. Praying for Charlotte, the Dr's and nurses to have slow skilled hands during the procedure and for comfort for Mom and Dad. Thinking of you all today, sending prayers and hugs your way.

  6. That passage is perfect for the situation..Brian is right she will be better after than going in to surgery, her body will be free of this tumor which her little body has never known...she is ready for this surgery...the team is ready for this surgery! And most of all we, The Village, are ready for this surgery!! Stray strong, much love, and keep the faith... πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ‘πŸΌ

  7. Woke up with an urgency to pray as Charlotte would have been going to surgery (6:30 here). Holding all of you in prayer today. Peace, comfort and God's arms around you as you walk through this day.


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