A needed God wink today

I would of walked on by without a second glance, but Charlotte stopped me and wanted to read this almost hidden poster below at Duke Children’s Hospital today when we went in to have her damaged hearing aids replaced. She has cried a river over getting hearing aids again after an entire summer of not having them. She is afraid she will be different from her classmates and that people will make fun of her. She told me yesterday “Why did I have to have cancer! I hate it! It’s going to ruin my life.” And for a while she resisted me holding and consoling her…a piece of my heart breaking with every hurt sob. On a scale of mild to moderate to severe to profound, Charlotte’s hearing loss is severe. Brian and I have walked her through the power of these aids helping her especially in school but of course she is 8 and doesn’t want to stand out. Brian and I know hearing loss is a small price to pay for what she needed to go through to even be here, but our momma and daddy hearts break watching her have these hurting moments. BUT then we get to also see the other side of the coin as we watch her conquer it too! I thought my words helped her some…but the God wink here in this poster made us both SMILE! The timing was perfect. And she smiled at me when we read it and she knew it was speaking to her heart. After lunch with me and a massive donut, she happily skipped back to school wearing her new aids. Please be kind to her world. She will give back in more ways then you could ever imagine if you just give her a little time and kindness. Thank you God-we sure felt you there walking with us once again. ❤️🌈#charlottestrong



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