Prayer request for this man we love

Charlotte, Parker, and Taylor’s grandfather Neal, whom we lovingly call Poppy, has been hospitalized. We don’t know anything yet but I knew if I reached out to Charlotte’s prayer village, you would all lift him up just as you have done so many times before. I have seen the power of your prayers. Yesterday, Neal was reminded of Charlotte during a part of one of her hospital stays, and he pulled out her picture and remarked out loud “Charlotte will help me me be strong.” This man and his wife, Schuey (Brian’s mom Nana Schue), packed up their whole world’s and moved here for a year while Charlotte was battling cancer. They helped care for Taylor and Parker and our dog Lucy and helped with many other things so that Brian and I could focus on Charlotte during all those months in patient. We remember spending Christmas Eve and Christmas in the hospital with her. And now Poppy needs our prayers. Lord we trust even when it is so hard, when there are no answers or rhyme or reason. Please help the doctors determine how best to help Poppy so he can make a complete recovery. As we celebrate you Jesus this Christmas, please be near Neal and Schuey, provide them with strength and comfort and faith. We love them so.

Thank you village for taking a moment this Christmas to life them up in prayer. Merry Christmas
Neal and Schuey at Charlotte’s Make a wish send off

Our Poppy

Poppy with his girl Charlotte 


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