Update soon!

We want to share every single precious detail with you all but, πŸ˜… phew, life needs to slow down for a cotton pickin’ moment so I can write about it! Charlotte’s wish trip, starting with her Make A Wish delivery party, all the way through her wish week at Give Kids the World Resort and Disney...if you can close your eyes and picture a time where the world stood still and the ones you cherish the most are right there experiencing their happy little hearts desires, well then you would feel what it felt like on Charlottes wish trip. We cannot thank Eatern NC Make A Wish and Something MAAGIC Foundation and Give Kids the World enough for all they have done to give Charlotte and our family this precious time. She felt so cherished as did we all.

I promise I WILL make the time to share this with you all as well as some of the pictures and details.. But for now, we are home from her very special wish trip and preparing for her scans and clinic this week. She will have scans (CT, MIBG, and MRI) Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as clinic check up Thursday. So my nervous energy has kicked into high gear today. But our hearts are still so hopeful that our sweet girl will still have clear scans indicating no evidence of disease. I PROMISE to write very soon once I’ve caught my breath and can give it the attention it deserves. After all, this carepage is for her to have one day. And I so want it to be a true reflection, captured in the best way I can, as well as a communication tool with you all, her special prayer warriors, whose love and prayers and positive energy and support never tire. Brian and I  feel every single one of you and your love and prayers. Don’t stop.

Wish trip and more update soon

P.S. I was able to upload first day of school and soccer and dance pictures to my last post finally! Look at her go!


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