
She did it! The doctors have cleared Charlotte for discharge as early as today. We decided to wait until tomorrow so that Brian and I can go see the apartment space and move some items in so it can be ready for her. The BMT families have access to spaces at Ronald MacDonald house as well as some nearby apartments. The RMH was full so Duke set us up to reserve a space at a nearby apartment complex which have specific units for patients and families undergoing transplant. So this space is a special medical unit that will be fully stocked and cleaned and ready for our Charlotte. All we need to provide are groceries and toys/activities for our girl.

Our amazing village of people have already gone into action mode before we could even ask for any help!  We continue to be speechless as we watch people take initiative to help in any way. I was initally concerned that Charlotte would be confused and disaapointed about having to live in a strange apartment instead of going home. So besides cleaning up and bringing some of her favorite toys and books from home to help give her some familiar comforts, Brian and I thought we would also get some new toys and activities to have at the apartment. We thought that maybe that would make it a more cheerful experience for her and also our other 2 children. Before I knew it or asked for a thing, there was a sign up created and many people offered to donate groceries and some toys and activities for our children! The response has been amazing. How have we been so blessed to be cared for by so many people? Due to the amazing response, we can also put some items aside to save for transplant 2 and also donate some to the BMT unit and Ronald MacDonald House, which are also in need of items for pediatric patients and their siblings. We have met people from all over the world who are here, far away from home and family. And here we are...sitting here 30 minutes away and surrounded by family, neighbors, and friends who are ready to spring into action to help in any way possible. Brian and I are so proud to be able to spred and share the support we are getting with those who are also in need. Thanks to all of you, this is possible. Thanks to you we are coping and thriving during this time.

We look forward to getting Chalotte settled into her new home away from home while she recovers. She will have some limitations as far as keeping her away from crowded places and also she will be on a special neutropenic diet. The close proximity to Duke is also important as she will need to be seen in clinic daily for various check ups. Once her need to be seen slows down and she's recovering well, we can talk about bringing her home for a little while before transplant 2 in mid-November. However, we all plan to be together at the apartment this weekend and that will be chicken soup to everyone's soul.

And guess what else?!? Charlotte turns 3 on October 18! We won't need to celebrate in the hospital and she can have a small family party at the apartment! We even have been put in contact with an organization who will make her any cake of her choice and bring all party supplies to wherever she is staying! She has requested an Elsa cake and frozen decorations:) Our hearts are overflowing for so many reasons: her progress, her smile, your generous support, Gods blessings...life is good. There can be joy while going through the unimaginable. It helps feed us so we can gear up for more of the unknown. Gods grace and love is being felt by all of us and we pray you are each feeling it too. This moment, this victory, is a celebration for us all. We are all meant to feel this powerful example of what truly is possible. I am so afraid to keep hoping for everything to keep going as well as it has. You know doubt and fear? Those 2 emotions that creep up no matter how much you try to block them out? They come and plant unsupported worries in your mind. They make you feel like, at any moment, the rug could be pulled out from under us. I will keep trying to chase those thoughts away. Because Charlotte is doing it! And SHE DESERVES for us to stop and soak it in and celebrate with her. She doesn't know what all the fuss is about and that's just as is should be.
Jail break! On a 4 hour pass, we took a car ride and found a nearby playground staff recommended!

Swings and watching kids play

It's sad when we get excited that she wants Doritos and a lollipop for lunch.

Or took a bite of a gummy worm during a fun cupcake making activity. Tell me our little foodie will eat some healthy food soon?!


Entered a cupcake in a decorating contest 

She made a crown for her nurse Rachel who she thinks looks like Elsa when she wears her long hair in a side braid. 

Playing grocery in playroom 

On a mission 

"My work here is done. Time for out patient recovery"
She loves typing! And folding paper. Random 


  1. Praise God
    She is an incredible young lady and her smile just lights you up
    Her courage and understanding and acceptance of all the yreatments, "probing and medicines is beyond belief
    Such strength
    PG for Brian and Jennifer for making her new normal and T & P's new normal a warm and loving time
    PG for the doctors and nurses who care for her and who she charms
    Love her , love them
    Charlotte Strong


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